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5 After - Surgery Goals to Work on in 2017

At this time of the year, many make New Year’s resolutions to lose weight. While deciding to do something is nice, we all know what can happen to resolutions a couple of weeks down the track… After having bariatric surgery you generally are losing weight and while this is great, there’s a lot to think about in the post surgery ‘after life’ so to speak. After surgery, it is difficult to eat much and so you need to be choosy about your food choices to get the nutrients you need each day. You should also start exercising (if able to) to maintain muscle mass and improve cardiovascular health. Not getting adequate nutrition can affect not only your weight loss and long-term...

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13 Goals to focus on after Surgery Other than the Scales

Have you ever gotten on the scales after being so good during the week and it hasn't moved or worse, it's gone up? It happens to everyone and while it can be disappointing, it's completely normal to have weeks there that nothing happens so expect it once in a while. When it happens, rather than dwell on the disappointment, focus on your other goals and working on your nutrition and exercise routine. What other goals I hear you say...? It's important to have several goals after surgery. In fact the more the merrier! I've had patients tell me that they start a big goal list and tick things off as they go throughout their whole weight loss journey, that way...

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5 Essential Eating Habit Changes to Work on after Surgery

Having bariatric weight loss surgery is not an easy choice as often thought by onlookers. Rather post surgery, it's more essential than ever to make changes to your eating habits and exercise habits if you want to lose the weight, keep healthy and keep the weight off long term.  Those who have had surgery know that if changes to eating habits are not made, not only could weight loss or long term weight maintenance by affected but also health. For example if you reduced your portion size of unhealthy foods and tolerate them then you can still cheat the system by eating all the wrong things in smaller portions. And while initially weight loss will happen to some extend, long-term...

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